Ride IllinoisRide Illinois

Cycling During the Pandemic

Ride Illinois is monitoring news and information relate to the pandemic. We recommend following guidelines from the State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Public Health, and CDC when making decisions about riding solo, group rides, and public events.

These guidelines do not supersede state or local ordinances and do not replace personal responsibility.

Regions and Phases
The Restore Illinois program divides the state into 11 regions, each with the ability to independently move through a phased approach. Be sure to adhere to the guidelines established for your region. The five phases are:

  • Phase 1: ride solo
  • Phase 2: ride solo or with immediate household members.
  • Phase 3: ride solo or in a group of no more than 10 people.
  • Phase 4: ride solo or in a group of no more than 50 people.
  • Phase 5: no restrictions

Face Coverings/Masks
When a region is in Phases 1 through 4, Ride Illinois recommends wearing a face covering if strict adherence to social distancing guidelines is not possible. Note that 6 feet may not be sufficient social distancing when cycling due to factors such as speed, weather, and proximity to others.

USA Cycling Guidelines
Comprehensive guidelines are available for all types of cyclists and organized rides. This webinar provides additional information.

  • Assume that you have the virus and don’t spread it to the others.
  • Assume that others have the virus and don’t catch it from them.

Guidance for Individuals

  • Bring a face covering and hand sanitizer on every ride.
  • Wear a face covering when it’s not possible to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
  • Be particularly mindful of social distancing when passing others and when being passed.
  • Avoid crowded trails and choose an alternate route if a trail becomes unexpectedly crowded.
  • Remember that you represent all cyclists on every ride! Obey the law and adhere to public health guidelines.
  • Avoid group rides for at least 14 days if you’ve been diagnosed with COVID-19, if you’re sick, or if you’ve traveled to a high-risk area.

Guidance for Club and Group Rides

  • Review state and local guidelines before offering group rides while restrictions are in place.
  • Be cognizant of the community and members when developing guidelines for club rides. Take into account local population, infection rate, and travel by members who may have exposed to the virus.
  • Share guidelines and updates with club members to keep them informed and involved.
  • Restrict rides to members only.
  • Uphold maximum gathering size restrictions during Phases 3 and 4 by limiting advertising, social media and online announcements as necessary.
  • To reduce contact, offer a digital waiver or one waiver that covers the entire year. Be sure to collect an emergency contact from everyone.
  • If a participant is diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days of a ride, inform all ride participants immediately.
  • Every participant should bring necessary supplies, tools (tubes, CO2/bike pump, tire levers, etc), and food to support themselves.

Guidance for Ride Leaders

  • For each ride, gather names and contact information for all participants to assist with possible contact tracing. Maintain those records for at least 45 days.
  • Carry disposable face masks and hand sanitizer for participants that arrive without those items.
  • Be prepared to deal with a participant who refuses to abide by the guidelines the club has set.
  • Before departure, decide how to address mechanical issues.
  • If more than 10 (Phase 3) or 50 (Phase 4) people show up for a ride, split into multiple groups and stay apart for the duration of the ride, including rest stops.
  • If more than 10 (Phase 3) or 50 (Phase 4) people show up for a ride on a loop, split into multiple groups and/or go opposite directions.

Ride Illinois will update this information, in accordance with public health guidelines, as new information becomes available.