Ride IllinoisRide Illinois
July 16, 2015

Explore the Grand Illinois Trail with our updated guide!

Ride Illinois and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources have partnered to produce an updated Grand Illinois Trail Guide to help promote the use of the beautiful long distance bicycle routes in our state.

The Grand Illinois Trail is a 535-mile loop trail in northern Illinois. It goes from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River along the northern border of Illinois and loops back across the state along the Illinois River and the Hennepin Canal. Approximately 200 miles of the route is on paved township and county roads while the rest is on paved or crushed limestone trails.

Grand Illinois Trail Guide will help you plan your next long distance trip along the Grand Illinois Trail. The guide divides the trail into ten segments, each with a map and “clockwise”-oriented cue sheet for directions and local features to enjoy. You’ll find nearby accommodations including lodging, camping, food, and bike repair. Detailed maps guide you through areas with many turns.