Ride IllinoisRide Illinois
February 04, 2016

Tell Us About New Projects You Love

What is love except another name for the use of positive reinforcement? Or vice versa.   –B. F. Skinner

Ride Illinois believes it is as important to celebrate progress as it is to call out problems. By highlighting what works, we provide examples—and inspiration—for communities and agencies around the state to create bike-friendly solutions. For example, at last fall’s Illinois Bike Summit, we awarded IDOT District 7 for constructing a bicyclist and pedestrian bridge over Interstate 57/70 in Effingham. With input from Ride Illinois’ Board President and community members, IDOT was convinced of the need to better connect the town with miles of trail on the other side of the interstate.

So, in honor of Valentine’s Day, we invite you to tell us about the recent projects, big and small, that have made biking better for you. Is there a new bikeway or trail that has eased your commute? Or a spot improvement that has addressed a safety problem?

Our Program Director Gin Kilgore loves the Bloomingdale Trail, a 2.7 mile elevated converted rail line on Chicago’s northwest side that links communities, parks, schools, and transit hubs. One school near the trail doubled its bicycle parking to accommodate all the new young riders! She’s also grateful for a new traffic island recently installed at a difficult intersection on Fullerton Ave. The seemingly small change has made it much easier to cross the busy four lane state route.

We would love to hear about your favorite recently completed projects. Did you play a role in advocating for the improvement?  Email us or post your story to our Facebook page with a photo, if possible, and tell us how it has made your biking better.

And thanks to all who have contacted us already regarding problem areas! We’ve received 30 submissions and are working hard to address all of them. Please tell us how we can make your biking better in your town!

This example of a "Complete Street" shows how a pedestrian refuge island can make it easier and safer to cross a multi-lane road. Image courtesy of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.