“Complete Streets” is a design principle by which all roadway users – motorists, bike riders, walkers, etc. – can safely move along and across a street. With road design policies like Complete Streets, bike-friendly roads are built routinely whenever roadwork occurs. Ride Illinois advocates for Complete Streets policies at all road-building levels of government:
When we advise towns or develop municipal bike plans, we recommend these Complete Streets Guidelines for bicycle and pedestrian accommodation.
We also investigate county and municipal policies and completed roadwork to identify areas for improvement and determine best practice statewide. Some examples include:
More information about Ride Illinois’ Complete Streets design standards and scoring methodology can be found on our Bike Planning Resources page.
Ride Illinois has focused extensively on collaborating with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), due to the importance of state-maintained roads and the state’s approval authority of local road designs. Since its first bike policy in the 1990’s, Ride Illinois has worked closely with IDOT staff and leadership to identify issues and improve policy specifics. Our major collaborations include:
Ride Illinois uses our knowledge of bike planning and standards to send road agencies detailed input on improving a road design for bikes. These suggestions might cover on-road or off-road bikeways, intersections, and so on. Our Providing Bike Planning Resources page can help you learn what is possible, too.
Bike improvements that are incorporated into larger road projects are usually cheaper than separate projects, so that is our main focus. Asking for design changes must be done early in the planning process – it is too late when the bulldozers arrive. One can find out what resurfacing, reconstruction, expansion, or spot improvement projects are in the pipeline:
It might be that a bike improvement is needed to a street that is not scheduled for roadwork anytime in the foreseeable future. Letters are also submitted to road agencies requesting separate retrofit projects, if needed.
Whether a road improvement you have in mind would be a separate retrofit or part of other roadwork, let us know about it! If it would make your biking better, it would for others, too.