Ride IllinoisRide Illinois
January 16, 2024

New Initiative Responds to Fatal Crashes

As has been reported in the media (and by Ride Illinois and our partners) the number of bicyclists being killed on Illinois roads has remained high since 2020. In fact, the State of Illinois reached a grim milestone in 2023 with 42 bicyclist fatalities – an increase of nine from the previous year and 45% higher than the 5-year average of 29 fatalities.

Announcing a New Initiative

In an effort to raise awareness and educate the public, Ride Illinois is launching a new initiative entitled ‘Our Response to Fatal Crashes’. Click the button below to learn about the purpose of this initiative and the steps Ride Illinois will take when learning of a bicyclist fatality.

One of the most important aspects of this initiative is the Map of Bicyclist Fatalities in Illinois since 2018. Streetsblog Chicago has published a map of bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities in Chicago for several years. Streetsblog’s map was the inspiration for the statewide map. Even at a quick glance of the map, it’s clear that bicyclists have been killed in areas around the state, not just Chicagoland. This is an important point to raise as efforts to reduce traffic violence are discussed and implemented. 

The color of the pins on the map represents different years (beginning in 2018). Click the bracket icon in the upper right corner to view the legend.

New Territory for Ride Illinois

This initiative is new territory for Ride Illinois. It is also is directly tied to our #1 goal in our Strategic Plan to greatly reduce, and ultimately eliminate, bicyclist fatalities Illinois. Our Advocacy Committee assisted with the development of this initiative. They offered meaningful perspective and insight throughout. Therefore, we are pleased with the initial roll-out.

Sharing information about fatal crashes on social media will elicit some strong emotions. Some may feel that we’ve gone too far to raise awareness through this initiative. Some will feel that we’ve not gone far enough. We may adjust the steps that our organization takes over time based on lessons learned and constructive feedback.

Each and every fatality on Illinois roads is a tragedy, especially for the victim’s family and friends. Our hope is that, by raising awareness of and learning more about fatal crashes involving bicyclists, Ride Illinois can help identify solutions so future tragedies can be avoided. Visit rideillinois.org/advocacy/fatal-crash-response to learn more.

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